Easy hexies

I came up with a (in my mind – haha!) brilliant idea for Sulky to make.  Wash away stabilizers that are pre-cut in various sizes of hexies.  Picture this… You would be able to buy a package of  their stabilizer that washes out, but the key thing is that the iron on stabilizer would be a page of perforated hexagon shapes.

From there, you could take a piece of fabric, pop off a perforated hexie from the stabilizer and iron it onto the fabric, and this would replace all those little cardboard pieces.  After cutting a quarter inch around each hexie, you could then employ whatever method you use from there – hand basting, a glue stick to hold down the fabric edges, machine sew around, iron down the edges, etc.

The idea is that it would save all sorts of time on the back end from taking all the cardboard out, plus you wouldn’t take a chance on distorting the fabric in the process. And in the end when the quilt was finished, toss it in some water and it would wash out.

I suppose I could individually cut out hexie shapes onto an iron-on stabilizer of my choice and achieve the same result but this would be a lot more exact – and a lot faster!

5 Comments Add yours

  1. Jeanne says:

    This might help me finish my husband’s quilt!! Any other hints on how to get a hexie complete? 🙂 I never would do a quilt like this but he is a chemist and it is very appropriate. Hehehe…

    1. Haha! Well, I do also have a custom die for my Accuquilt Go that cuts several hexies and paper templates at once so that I’m not spending hours with scissors. But then again…you don’t see a finished quilt out of them on my blog yet!

  2. What a great idea! 🙂

    1. Thank you! I linked to their site, so maybe someone in product marketing will read that.

    2. Thanks! I’ll let you know if they decide to move on my idea and make my life easier!

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