Block 81 – With Love From

img_20161120_172338.jpgI really love this block, and that isn’t just a play on words.  How many things in the world could be solved with just a little bit of love?  Almost everything.  Maybe everything, now that I think about it.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. So true! As 4 wise men once said, “All You Need is Love.”
    I really like this block.

    1. I need to remember that phrase!

  2. Amanda G says:

    You are doing so amazing at keeping up! I was only 6 behind, then needed to finish my basement so I can move my studio down there. I’m hoping to catch up in January. You are a hood inspiration!

    1. I’ve been behind by several blocks and then catch up again. I tend to do things in spurts; I’ve been mostly quilting this week but will be back to sewing tomorrow!

  3. Deb says:

    Only the wise know that,and a little love with a big hug goes even a little bit farther. :)) Happy Thanksgiving!🦃

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