Block 29 – Scrappy Happy Heart

The story of this block starts back in the first half of April.  I had signed up for a workshop by Becky Goldsmith to learn about the value of color as it relates to the other colors around it.  The class requirements were some grey fabric for the background, and a slew of different blue fabrics, cut into 1.5″ strips.

2016-05-22 10.27.53The rain came down and the flood went up a day or two before her arrival and the only way she would have made it in would have been by boat.  Unfortunately, the workshop was cancelled.  I have several projects going already, so while I might have made the pick-up sticks quilt on my own…I put that off for a slightly less rainy day.  I am a “if you’re on time, you’re late” kind of person so I had already cut the fabric into strips the weekend before any of this happened.

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I was thinking of that fabric when I saw that Christa Watson’s SS block was a heart.  We’ve sewn 2 blocks previously with hearts and I was looking for something other than pink/rose/maroon for this one.  Aha!  How about that blue fabric I had stashed away?

I laid out the strips dark to light, and then as I sewed them together, I alternated the darkest fabric with the lightest fabric; then the 2nd darkest fabric with the 2nd lightest fabric and so on.

I had glue basted just about every single seam on Thursday’s paper doll dress pattern and started using glue on this one but didn’t need it as much because the pieces are larger.  But there is a small area where I need to wipe the glue off.

2016-05-22 12.35.14I got lazy as you can see and I didn’t trim my selvedges first.  I cut trimmed the block to 7″ just to give myself some extra space; hopefully that won’t show up when I end up sewing the blocks together later!

This one is quite a bit brighter than my other blocks, so I’ll probably want to pull in some of this fabric in small quantities for future blocks so that it blends in more than it does right now.

I like it though!

2016-05-22 12.38.14

16 Comments Add yours

  1. treadlemusic says:

    The addition of the blues is really a good idea……..flatters both color palettes! You have really had a time of it with the rains (I thought of this while reading our forecast for the next 8 days…..T-storms each day…..really???). I’m with ya on the “time thing”……if you’re just ‘on time you’re late’ has been my mindset for eons!!!!!!

    1. Don’t you know it on that rain! I hope that forecast wasn’t accurate for you. Our grass is so high after just 1 week since it was last cut and the magnolias and everything else is in full bloom. But I do like my sunshine! Being late seriously makes me nervous!

      1. treadlemusic says:

        Tardiness was drilled into me as a very serious “sin” by the nuns in my growing up years……to the point that if I’m not at least 5-10 min early, I’m not ok…..sigh………. So far-no rain (we really could use a little, though). Hugs……

  2. Scrappy Happy Heart makes me happy!

    1. Me too! I hope you have a great day!

  3. It’s looking good!

    1. Thank you!

  4. You are quick on the draw! Good idea to use your blues. It is going to add that nice pop of color to your quilt:)

    1. Thank you! When I finished, my first though was “well that one stands out!” But knowing that we have 61 more blocks behind it, I know it will blend in the more I complete.

  5. Very nice! Quilters can always make do! Use it up!!

    1. Yes indeed! Thank you!

      1. You’re welcome, Barb.

  6. e~collage says:

    I’ve always been a fan of Piece of Cake designs. nice block. I can see she really made you work for your money.

    1. Yes she did, but it was worth it!

  7. I like it too!! I’m about 6 blocks behind so I think I’ll take Pat’s advice and start with the most current and work my way backwards 🙂

    1. You picked the perfect time to do that also! Yesterday’s block is nice but not one of the more challenging ones (that dress was though!).

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