The Splendid Sampler – complete!

img_20170318_230959_289.jpgKathy, thank you for being the “kick in the pants” to get me back on the blog again.  I did indeed finally finish The Splendid Sampler quilt and yes, that finger that was sewn through was a huge factor in why it’s taken me so long.  That hurt.  It still hurts.  Anything that involves using the tip of my finger (it was just about 1/4″ in from the tip where the needle hit) is still very sensitive.  But wait!  There’s more!

In 6 weeks time, my mom passed away.  My husband was involved in a major car accident (not his fault) that totaled his car and sent him to the hospital. I sewed through my index finger.  And had a major change to my career path. As a result, I’ve made some big decisions, including going back to school to get another degree.  So I’m making peace with the past and looking forward to the future.  I start in May and can’t wait!

20170318_225313.jpgI figured I spent between 30-35 hours on the border alone for this quilt.  Most of that was because I’m still learning how to mark a quilt efficiently as well as how to get from one point to the next with as little traveling as possible.  I have no idea how much time I spent on the main portion of the quilt.  All in all, I had 200k + in the body of the quilt, but ended up with nearly 500k at the end, so half or more of the stitches are in the border – which is pretty much what I expected based on my plan for quilting it.

20170319_153017_001.jpgI’ve done literally no sewing in the meantime.  Today was the first time I turned on my sewing machine, other than the binding, in a month.  I’m hoping to knock a few easy things out over the next few weeks to mentally give myself the impression that I’m catching up.  This is the April pillow cover for the monthly kits.  I skipped right past March but it’s one that could be used throughout the year.  I’ll quilt this one tomorrow and maybe I’m on the road to regular quilting again.  I missed all of you!


37 Comments Add yours

  1. great sampler. I love how every time I look, I see something new. Like those birds down low, and the flying geese right nearby.

  2. wow what a labour of love . I sure hope you will keep it for a while for all the work you put into this. I hope you and your hubby are doing good. best of luck in your new profesion and school. Never too old to learn something new.

  3. norma says:

    Gorgeous quilt!

    1. Thanks! I learned last night how to eliminate snipping threads at the end so I’ll have a new trick for the next time I quilt.

  4. kathyreeves says:

    I was so happy to see your post this evening!!! I was a little worried, and oh my goodness, this past six weeks has indeed been a tough round for you and yours. I hope that everyone at home is mending well. Your quilt is Amazing! I wish I could see it in person, the photo is just wow. So, back to school? Are our bosses twins separated at birth?😳

    1. Oh yes, that is an understatement about our bosses. I’ll have to send you a note! I’m finally catching up on comments and everyone’s blogs this morning.

      1. kathyreeves says:

        Yes do!

  5. WOW! I have a finishing plan, but that is all it is at this time…just a plant. Your finish is beautiful. The simple alternating blocks really let the sampler blocks shine. Great job!

    1. Thank you! I was probably 80 blocks into 100 before I finally figured out how I wanted to finish it. It was hard to decide with all those different blocks!

  6. Amanda G says:

    I know I commend on IG, but this so great you deserve another comment. The quilting is spectacular!!! Great job!

    1. Thank you so much! I tend to cross post from IG over to here. The funny thing is I never post any of my quilt pictures on my FB page – it just doesn’t seem like the “theme” of my posts there!

      1. Amanda G says:

        I do the same, but I am pickier about what I post on IG. lol I only post on facebook when I am SUPER excited about finishing a project. I agree, not the write theme.

  7. Cuckooblue says:

    Gosh you’ve been through the mill. So sorry about your Mum, no wonder you’ve had other things on your mind. Meanwhile, this is a glorious work of art and you should be extremely proud of yourself!

    1. Thank you so much! I feel like I’m finally coming out of the woodwork this wee.

  8. So sorry to hear about your mom and your difficult six weeks.
    It is good to have you blogging again…you were missed!
    The quilt is absolutely gorgeous!
    Congratulations on your decision to go back to school.
    Change is good.

    1. Thank you! Oh and I meant to tell you – we did go to Austin over spring break at the last minute, just for the day to visit the capitol. That made me think of you!

      1. I just love Austin!

  9. Wow! I feel like trumpets should have been playing when I opened up this post to read. Congrats on this incredible quilting accomplishment!!!!! 🙂

    1. Thank you! Your comment made me laugh since I also play the trumpet. Maybe I should play a fanfare each morning to get myself going!

      1. Ha! That would be awesome (of course your family might have some concerns for your sanity…lol)

  10. The quilt is absolutely stunning. You should be so proud of what you have done. I hope you are going to put it somewhere that it will be seen all the time.

    1. Thank you! I have a few more threads to bury on the back side and then it’s going on a bed in our guest room, which I pass by every day.

  11. Joanne S says:

    I’m never disappointed at your quilts. 🙂 But, this one is so stunningly beautiful! So much time, skill and effort. So sorry that you and your family have been through so much recently. ~Joanne

    1. Thank you so much! I was really glad I put the time into it; I wanted it to be a keepsake and felt like I achieved that.

  12. KerryCan says:

    You sound remarkably chipper, given all you’ve been through–you must be very resilient!

    1. It took me a bit of time to get there, but I think once I figured out what direction life was headed in next it helped a lot.

  13. sandradny says:

    You have been through a challenging time. I am so sorry for your loss. This quilt is spectacular! I really like the border quilting — such amazing detail!

    1. Thank you so much! I should take a picture now that it’s been through the wash – it pops even more.

  14. Wow what a fantastic finish, hopefully now your finger is on the mend!

    1. Thank you! I can offer this advice – never, ever sew over your finger or it will hurt for a long time! But yes, it is so much better than it was and I’m glad to be sewing again.

  15. Meg says:

    A wonderful job with Splendid Sampler. The quilting has taken your top to the next level. So sorry to hear about you troubles, and hope that you are able to overcome.

  16. lorigreer says:

    It’s amazing with all that you’ve gone through that you were able to finish the quilt. It looks like a very complicated pattern. Congratulations.

    1. Thank you. It was nice to not have any deadline on it so I was able to take my time and spend as much time as I needed to get it where I wanted it to be at the finish.

  17. Sending you a big hug! Your quilt is beautiful, by the way.

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate it.

  18. admcmasters says:

    So very sorry to hear of your mom no longer with you here, the care wreck and loss of car and your husband’s injury and the needle through the finger. That’s a lot in a short amount of time and I wish I was close enough to give you a hug and make a pot of soup and some homemade bread for you. Love the sampler and I think it finished beautifully. You should be proud.

    1. Thank you so much. I took your words to heart about the dense quilting and how that might make it stiff; I kept that to just the borders since this is a quilt that will be slept under. Thanks for suggesting that.

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